Movies And TV Quizzes

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  • Harry Potter Trivia

    Harry Potter And The Fun Quiz

    If you ask anyone in in their 30s what their favorite book was growing up and you’ll probably hear a whole lot of Harry Potter. Perhaps your next question to that thirty-something year old should be “How many times did you read it?”. Chances are you’ll hear a lot more numbers than just one. There’s […]

  • X-Files Quizzes



    X-Files Trivia Quiz – How Much Do You Really Know About The Show?

    You would be hard-pressed to find someone that doesn’t know what X-Files is. It was one of the most anticipated and celebrated series of the 1990s and 2000s. Surprisingly, Entertainment Weekly indicated that the show was “a goner” when it debuted in 1993, and even the stars of the show didn’t see it going past […]

  • Best X-Files Quizzes

    True or False – This Is The Best X-Files Factoid Quiz

    Ever since the debut of The X-Files we’ve all been captivated by the adventures of Fox Mulder and Dana Scully. A dynamic duo if we’ve ever seen one. The premise of the series fairly simple, find new paranormal and unexplainable cases to investigate and get to it. We all know that out of the two […]

  • TV Show Quizzes

    Do You Know These X-Files Characters?

    September 10th, 1993. That is when we were all introduced to the dynamic duo that is Fox Mulder and Dana Scully. The iconic slogan, THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE, splayed across our little box screen TVs. The catchy theme song calling everyone to the living room to watch the epic show that’s about to start. […]

  • Harry Potter Facts

    True Or False – How Well Do You Know Harry Potter?

    Nothing makes us more nostalgic than rereading or rewatching our favorite Harry Potter book or movie. It’s been around since the 90s and is still more popular than ever. For those that have not had the privilege to read the harrowing tales or see any of the eight films, we do recommend you one or […]

  • Name That Harry Potter Character

    Do You Know The Staff Of Hogwarts?

    A huge event took place in September of 1998 (or possibly June of 1997 if you live in the UK). Of course we’re referring to the release of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (or Philosopher’s Stone in the UK) took the world by storm. It was JK Rowling’s first novel and there’s really no […]

  • Easy Harry Potter Quiz

    The Best Harry Potter And The Fantastic Beasts Creature Quiz

    Most of us have fallen in love with the Harry Potter series. Whether it’s because we can relate to the character(s) or because we enjoy fantastical tales, it’s always a great story to turn to when we’re in need of an instant pick-me-up. Pretty much any page you turn to, or scene in a movie, […]

  • Quiz For Slytherins

    What Slytherin Are You?

    For many of us Harry Potter is life! We keep the books close by and the blu-ray disc in the player. It’s an easy “go-to” when we’re looking for something to relax or comfort us. Even though it’s filled with tumult it also lifts our spirits the way only it can. Ever since the introduction […]

  • New Quizzes

    Name That Movie Franchise: Harry Potter Or Twilight?

    Harry Potter made its debut in 1997 featuring The Boy Who Lived while it took Twilight almost a decade longer to bring us the tumultuous relationship of Edward and Bella. While JK Rowling did have a bit of a head start, Stephenie Meyer definitely gave her a run for her money (literally?). While the overall […]

  • Best Harry Potter Test Onine

    Test Your Harry Potter Knowledge – Who Said It?

    It’s no secret that there’s a huge fan base that follows the Harry Potter franchise. It is also well-known that readers of the seven Harry Potter novels and fans of the eight Harry Potter movies are constantly revisiting them, whether it’s for comfort or nostalgia we don’t know. There are many reasons why it’s hard […]